ESARDA- Balance of 25 Years of European R&D in Safeguards; Perspectives

M. Cuypers - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
C. Foggi - European Commission, Joint Research Centre
The European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA) was founded in 1969. The Association enlists among its partners the major European Research Organisations operating in the field of safeguards, some of the major European Nuclear Plant Operators and the EURATOM Safeguards Inspectorate and many other non European Union Organisations are participating in its various working groups. The role of ESARDA in the European context, during the past 25 years has been i) to promote the development of safeguards techniques, i i ) to harmonise the R&D of its partners in this field, i i i ) to contribute and enhance mutual understanding between Plant Operators, Safeguards Authorities and Research people. These goals have been attained by creating a number of fora where people can meet, work on joint projects and exchange information. With the important changes in the former Soviet Union, the nuclear fuel cycle has gained a new global dimension in Europe. Compartments formerly established for political reasons are not any more so tight, the increased nuclear cooperation between the countries of the former two blocks demands for adequate non proliferation assurances. ESARDA is consequently shifting its areas of interest from the purely domestic problems to the more diversified and international safeguards issues now emerging. The 16th ESARDA Internal meeting, held in Ghent (Belgium) in May 1994 has drawn a balance of the past activities of the Association, debated the emerging problems, and set new targets for future activities. This paper highlights the findings and the conclusions of the internal meeting.