The record of decision (ROD) by the Department of Energy to start F Canyon and FB Line to recover plutonium commits the United States to offer the recovered plutonium as eligible for IAEA safeguards in support of the United States nonproliferation policy. In order to be prepared to meet this commitment the Savannah River Site (SRS) has included International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards requirements in the new Actinide Packaging and Storage Facility (APSF) design. APSF offers an opportunity to implement advanced safeguards technologies which will reduce IAEA resources required for inspections and minimize impact of IAEA inspections on facility operation. Discussions have been held with IAEA concerning the use of advanced safeguards technologies to meet international safeguards requirements in the APSF. Joint IAEA/DOE test and evaluation of equipment is being initiated. Tasks for the joint project include:1) remote calibration of calorimeters, 2) development of item integrity and identification of the container,