Ensuring a Sustainable Supply of Nuclear Reference Materials: The NBL Program Office

Peter Mason - New Brunswick Laboratory
A new organization, the NBL Program Office, has been formed with the purpose of ensuring that nuclear material measurements are performed at the highest quality and are traceable to the US national measurement base. The mission of the NBL Program Office is to identify important nuclear reference materials needs, fund and oversee the production of new materials, serve as the certifying authority for nuclear reference materials, and ensure an uninterrupted supply of these vital materials to US government programs, facilities and partners. The Department of Energy’s Office of Science, in close consultation with the National Nuclear Security Administration and other US agencies, designed the new organization in order to ensure long-term sustainability. The NBL Program Office will ensure the supply of nuclear reference materials for safeguards, nonproliferation, forensics, research and commercial needs. This paper will discuss the new organization and explain the approach to maintain this vital capability.