Crucial fissile materials (often termed SNM for special nuclear materials) are typically detected and identified in the field with nuclear based radiation detectors. This important measurement need is limited by detection system capability, limited gamma ray or other emitted radiation signal levels, source-detector coupling geometry and the relative ease of shielding gamma ray emissions. In some detection situations, it is possible that these materials may also be present and observable in various, distinct chemical forms. Therefore the opportunity exists to utilize the detection potential of both their nuclear and chemical characteristics. Use of chemical sensing complements and may prevail for detection applications where a material line of sight is possible. In this paper we explore this combined potential, utilizing infrared spectroscopic techniques to provide a remote detection potential for these critical materials. There is no guarantee of certainty of detection for these materials. However, the combined use of QXFOHDU??DQG??³RSWLFDO´??WHFKQLTXHV??LPSURYHV??WKH??SUREDELOity of detection and situation assessment. Initial critical applications include safeguard and non nuclear proliferation investigations. However, these techniques are potentially applicable to encompass assessment of normal/abnormal enrichment or other plant processing operations. In the longer term, high sensitivity quantification, environmental assessment, and control and measurement of remediation efforts are possible with this approach.