The development of the Russian Methodological and Training Center (RMTC) has been an impor- tant element of nuclear materials protection, control and accounting (MPC&A) cooperation between the United States and the Russian Federation (RF)(as well as between the European Commission and the RF). The RMTC, located at the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE) in Obninsk, Russia, has been designated by the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy (Minatom) to provide nuclear (MPC&A) training to Minatom and the Federal Nuclear and Radiation Safety Authority (Gosatomnadzor) personnel. Following the political changes within the RF that resulted in fragmentation of centralized control and management of nuclear materials, the RF embarked on an effort to upgrade its state system of accountancy and control (SSAC) of nuclear materials. This situation created the need to provide widespread training to Russian MPC&A spe- cialists in new methods and modern technologies. The RMTC was established to provide central- ized training and implementation support in these areas, as well as provide a forum for discussions between plant operators and inspectors. Since its creation, significant progress has been made in Russian training program development and upgrades to the RMTC. This work has been supported by both the United States and the European Commission. Enhanced training facilities are in opera- tion, laboratory and other training equipment has been installed, and more than 2,000 NIS special- ists have been trained, including participants from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Lithuania. More than 40 courses have been developed jointly and taught. In addition, a number of mobile training teams have been established to teach courses on-site at Russian facilities. The RMTC infra- structure has been strengthened, and a strategic plan has been drafted for the long-term sustainabil- ity of the RMTC and development of regional training capabilities. The future directions of this project will focus on initiatives designed to ensure continued development of indigenous Russian training capabilities and viability of the RMTC. This poster presents a graphic illustration of U.S.- Russian collaboration to date and highlights accomplishments in terms of training and establish- ment of training laboratories.