Korea and the IAEA launched a new partnership on the containment and surveillance (C/S) and monitoring at PWRs in Korea in 2001. Under the enhanced co-operation, the IAEA C/S approach proceeded to three periods; 1) C/S under traditional Safeguards. 2) C/S under Integrated Safeguards. 3) C/S under State LevelĀ Approach Update. Digital surveillance cameras and electronic seals based on a remote monitoring system (RMS) were adopted in replacement of analog systems under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement until 2008. The RMS was being implemented for eight years after Integrated Safeguards (IS) started. Even under IS, RMS was continually utilized through a few modifications as an option (ISP-2: Random interim inspection/ short notice with RM) due to technical reasons where the systems are operating in place. Appropriate experience was gained during implementation of RM, as well. And besides, LWR operators are reluctant to adopt the new plan due to the system reliability reasons. Afterwards, the IAEA proposed the use of unannounced inspection (UI) along with roaming camera concept to install temporary surveillance cameras instead of permanent installation in 2013. Under the State Level Approach (SLA) Update, UI in conjunction with a roaming camera concept (ISP-1: Unannounced random interim Inspection and no-surveillance during closed core period) started in 2016. Only temporary roaming cameras with fixed EOSS seals are used. Accordingly, permanent surveillance is not in use. Remote data sharing based on RMS was terminated between the IAEA and the ROK. New C/S system is being applied to the present.