Endorsing Nuclear Security Culture and Self- Assessment in Hospitals of Indonesia

Andri Sagita Wicaksono - Engineering Physics Department Gadjah Mada University
Hanna Yasmine - Engineering Physics Department Gadjah Mada University
These days in Indonesia there are 6968 licenses issued on the use of nuclear technology in the field of health (BAPETEN). It means Indonesian Hospital is a vulnerable area for radioactive material abuse if there is no good security system in the hospital itself. With the circumstances as mentioned, it is the need for a system that supports the security of radioactive materials. The security system includes the application of nuclear security culture and self-assessment carried out by the hospital. This paper will examine the extent to which nuclear safety culture must be possessed by every employee in the hospital in Indonesia and how self-assessment can be applied in hospital so we can measure everyone in nuclear security system. Here, the analysis will focus on the IAEA NSS.7 and self-assessment of the IAEA draft for a proper standard. The results of this analysis will be used as a reference for each hospital in Indonesia about the importance of security culture possessed by every hospital in Indonesia for the continuity of the use of radioactive materials. This paper will provide the data, analysis, summary and conclusion.