EC Documents Management Program for the Technology Transfer to the DPRK

Jong-Uk Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jong-Sook Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kwan-Kyoo Choe - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
EC (Export Control) Documents Management Program shows well the uniqueness of KEDO related export control matters. ECDMP was designed as an alternative measure to continue the KEDO project without any hindrance caused by export control issues. In order to fulfill Korean nuclear export laws, Korean government should receive an official assurance for peaceful use, application of IAEA safeguards and prior consent, in case of export of Trigger List. On the other hand, approximately 3,000 NSSS documents subject to export controlled also planned to be transferred to the construction site located in DPRK along with the CP for the KEDO LWRs. But, for the reason of no official political relationship between ROK and DPRK for more than 50 years, it was impossible to get assurances from the DPRK. To solve the problem, KEDO Export Group met and shared a common understanding that receiving assurance from the DPRK would be difficult for a while. Simultaneously, not to interrupt the progress of the project, it was required to make a special plan to provide reasonable warranty that the DPRK would not obtain EC documents. This paper will introduce the overall aspects related to the ECDMP.