Dynamic Non-Linear Impact Analysis of Fuel Cask Containment Vessels

James M. Shuler - U. S. Department of Energy
Daniel Leduc - Savannah River National Laboratory Packaging Technology
Roy Rothermel - Savannah River National Laboratory Packaging Technology
Large fuel casks present challenges when evaluating their performance in the accident sequence specified in 10CFR 711. Testing is often limited because of cost, difficulty in preparing test units and the limited availability of facilities which can carry out such tests. In the past, many casks were evaluated without testing using simplified analytical methods. This paper details the use of dynamic non-linear analysis of large fuel casks using advanced computational techniques. Results from the dynamic analysis of two casks, the T-3 Spent Fuel Cask and the Hanford Un-irradiated Fuel Package are examined in detail. These analyses are used to fully evaluate containment vessel stresses and strains resulting from complex loads experienced by cask components during impacts. Importantly, these advanced analytical analyses are capable of examining stresses in key regions of the cask including the cask closure. This paper compares these advanced analytical results with the results of simplified cask analyses like those detailed in NUREG 39662.