DOE Preparations for Implementation of the Strengthened Safeguards System Protocol*

David M. Gordon - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Ronald Cherry - U.S. Department of Energy
Amy B. Whitworth - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
On June 12,1998, the United States (U.S.) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) signed the Additional Protocol to the U.S./IAEA Safeguards Agreement. This Protocol requires expanded declarations of nuclear activities in the U.S. and IAEA access to the declared and other locations to resolve questions or inconsistencies. The U.S. Additional Protocol is identical to the Model Protocol (lNPCIRC/540) except for subarticles that exclude, from Protocol implementation, activities of direct national security significance to the U.S. and explicitly provide for the use of managed access to protect national security activities, information, and locations. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to implementing the Protocol to the fullest extent possible while preventing the improper dissemination of national security information. At present, DOE is identifying potentially declarable activities, locations where managed access will be necessary, and locations where the national security exclusion must be invoked. DOE is carrying out these activities through a Strengthened Safeguards System Working Group. This paper summarizes the activities and current status of DOE preparations for implementation of the Additional Protocol in the U.S.