Leonard W. Gray - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Tehmau Kan - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
William G. Sutcliffe - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
J. Malvyn McKibben - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
William Danker - U. S. Department of Energy
In the Cold War aftermath, the U. S. and Russia have agreed to large reductions in nuclear weapons. To aid in the selection of long-term management options, the U.S. DOE has undertaken a multifaceted study to select options for storage and disposition of surplus plutonium (Pu). One disposition alternative being considered is immobilization.Immobilization is a process in which surplus Pu would be embedded in a suitable material to produce an appropriate form for ultimate disposal. To arrive at an appropriate form, we first reviewed published information on HLW immobilization technologies to identify forms to be prescreened. Surviving forms were screened using multi-attribute utility analysis to determine promising technologies for Pu immobilization. We further evaluated the most promising immobilization families to identify and seek solutions for chemical, chemical engineering, environmental, safety, and health problems; these problems remain to be solved before we can make technical decisions about the viability of using the forms for long-term disposition of Pu. All data, analyses, and reports are being provided to the DOE Office of Fissile Materials Disposition to support the Record of Decision that is anticipated in Summer of 1996.