Disarmament and Plutonium Utilization - A Contradiction?

Hans Hermann Remagen - Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Technologie
In his new non-proliferation initiative President Clinton has proposed a stop to further production of weapons-grade materials. This is a very positive signal. On the other hand, about 230 t of weapons plutonium will be placed at disposal by disarmament measures in the superpowers. The question arises how to cope with the existence of the weapons plutonium. A preliminary analysis shows that there are a number of possibilities ranging from long-term intermediate storage to blending for commercial use, or denaturization and final disposal in geological formations. However, the decision for the solution to be finally implemented should be based on a technology assessment taking economical, environmental, and other political aspects into account. Such a study will also influence the political decisions on the future of nuclear energy with potential plutonium use. It is essential to ensure that each proposed solution gives an absolutely transparent view of the consequences of the political decisions which will be taken.