Digital Declaration Site Maps for Additional Protocol Update - Collaborative Pilot Project undertaken by the CNSC, IAEA and Bruce Power

Farrukh Qureshi - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
David Moroz - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
Graham Smith - Bruce Power
The Department of Safeguards at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is developing an electronic delivery process for submission of digital site maps in conjunction with State declarations for the Additional Protocol (AP). Like some other States, Canada is participating in this IAEA pilot project. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), as the State Safeguards Authority for Canada, is working with the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station (Bruce Power), as a site volunteering to develop digital maps for submission to the IAEA. This IAEA initiative is in support of their Geospatial Exploitation System (GES) which uses spatial data from many sources to assist in verifying State AP declarations. Electronic submission would allow the IAEA to accept and ingest State declared digital spatial information in standard and compatible formats directly into its own existing and evolving information systems. This would significantly improve the IAEA's ability to develop and maintain accurate site maps to support safeguards activities and increase consistency across different sites within States. This paper will discuss how the Canadian contribution to the IAEA pilot project supports the objectives of the IAEA’s GES. The paper will also highlight the challenges posed and the opportunities offered by this project.