Development of Simulation Code for NDA Using Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence with Laser Compton Scattery Gamma-rays

Takehito Hayakawa - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Toshiyuki Shizuma - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Ryoichi Hajima - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Nobuhiro Kikuzawa - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Mamoru Fujiwara - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Michio Seya - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Hideaki Ohgaki - University of Kyoto
Mohamed Omer - University of Kyoto
We have proposed a new nondestructive assay system for 239Pu and other actinides in spent nuclear fuel assembly in a water pool. Nuclear fuel materials are detected using nuclear resonance fluorescence(NRF) with laser Compton scatter (LCS) gamma-rays, which are generated by collision of high energy electrons and laser photons. For the study of this method, we have extended a particle (photon) transport simulation code GEANT4 to calculate NRF. We have demonstrated NRF events. To compare with calculated results we have carried out a nuclear experiment using the LCS gamma-ray at AIST.