New Physical Protection (PP) measures (hereafter PP-KINAC) that can be used to evaluate the physical protection status of a state or a nuclear facility had been developed. The newly developed measures were compared with the other methodologies developed by the Gen-IV and INPRO group. The PP-KINAC is similar to the Gen-IV methodology; for example, both use the measures to evaluation and obtain quantitative results. However, the INPRO methodology is quite different. It was designed to evaluate a state’s regime of physical protection qualitatively rather than a nuclear facility’s physical protection system. The measures for the PP-KINAC contain: Probability of Interruption (PI), Probability of Neutralization (PN), Consequences (C), Fissile Material Type (MT) and Effectiveness of Physical Protection Resources (EPR). In this paper, the tools and tables for calculating each PP measure are suggested and illustrated in detail. A new computer code for calculating the PI was developed. The PI and PN measures can be calculated quantitatively using the tools and the new computer code. The EPR, MT and C measures are obtained from the tables developed by collecting and analyzing the related information. It is expected that the PP measures developed in this study can be applied to current nuclear facilities as well as a future nuclear systems that are being developed. Key words: Risk assessment, security measure, theft of nuclear material, radiological sabotage