Development of a Nuclear Fuel Cycle Educational Exercise

Débora M. Trombetta - KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Jian Su - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Nuclear security education has been received increasingly attention in universities worldwide. The introduc- tion of a security approach for Nuclear Fuel Cycle was started in 2016 for the undergraduate course on Nuclear Engineering of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). In spite of the existence of similar exercises, none of them are directly related to Nuclear Fuel Cycle, which meets with our necessity. For a better under- standing of the topic by applying the learning concepts during the classes, we proposed a table top exercise fo- cusedonsecurityandsafeguardsmeasuresrelatedtonuclearfuelcycle. Theexerciseisdividedinthreeparts. The first part contains a section where the concepts and definitions required to accomplish the exercise are presented, in the second part a section where the vulnerability and the proliferation risk should be discussed for each step of the fuel cycle, and third section containing a hypothetical facility related to the end of open fuel cycle to which material control, security and safeguards procedures should be applied according to the described conditions. Besides a version in English for general public, this exercise will be developed in Por- tuguese that facilitates the understanding of Brazilians users. Since there is no exercise like that in Portuguese, this could be used as a training tool not only at universities but also at Brazilian facilities, as it is known by experience, that technical employees are not well familiarized with English language.