Video based safeguards equipment such as the Modular Integrated Video System (MIVS)1 are dependent on mains power with only short, typically 3 hour, periods of battery support available. In addition to power restrictions, the use of analog video creates difficulties both in review and data storage. The availability of rugged, compact, large capacity and relatively inexpensive digital computing elements has led to the emergence of digital video as a potential technology for safeguards use. The GEMINI Project is an attempt to design and manufacture an all digital replacement for the existing IAEA and CEC3 Twin Minolta Camera System. Utilization of an all-digital scanning element as a camera, a 80286 computer for processing, and digital scene storage on Digital Audio Tape, all managed by a power saving computer element, are incorporated in the GEMINI Design. Initial test and performance results and their associated review processes are presented.