The Mining and Chemical Combine (MCC) (known in Russia as Gorno-Khimichesky Kombinat, Krasnoyarsk-26) is located within the closed city of Zheleznogorsk in the Krasnoyarsk Region of Russia and is a production facility of the Ministry of Atomic Energy (MINATOM) of the Russian Federation. A unique underground site at the MCC, located on the east side of the Yenisey River, includes three nuclear reactors (one currently in operation), a radiochemical processing facility (PUREX), high-level waste tanks and treatment facilities, and a plutonium oxide storage facility. Russian/US technical cooperation, as a part of the materials protection, control, and accountability (MPC&A) programmatic efforts at the MCC, has resulted in the implementation of new MPC&A elements at the site. The implementation of new MPC&A elements and the goal of long term viability of these enhancements has generated the need to develop an updated MPC&A plan to integrate the existing and new MCC MPC&A operations. This paper will provide a summary of the completed plan for the PuO2 storage area and discuss the status of the plan being developed for the radiochemical processing plant.