Development of E-learning for Education and Training on Nuclear Control

Byung Koo KIM - TCNC
Hyun-Chul Kim - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control
Woo Jin Kim - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control
Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) has performed education and training on nuclear control as its legal duty. One of the educations is \"nuclear control education\" for the observation of the international norms on nuclear nonproliferation and the spread of the nuclear control culture. Korean e-learning on nuclear control has been developed to supplement the classroom \"nuclear control education\" and to give an opportunity for the general public to learn nuclear control. The e-learning development consists of the development of e-learning content and the establishment of e-learning system. The e-learning content is developed based on the presentation materials used in the classroom education. The text of international treaties/agreements and domestic laws and the dictionary are also provided as supplements. The e-learning content consists of six topics and eleven units. The topics are overview of nuclear nonproliferation, overview of nuclear control, overview of safeguards, report on internationally controlled materials, overview of nuclear export/import control, and overview of physical protection. The e-learning content was loaded to the e-learning system and two e-learning courses are prepared. Before being open to the general public, the opinions of the trainees will be gathered through its demonstration in the classroom education and reflected through the continuous revision of the e-learning content. In the future, English e-learning for international education and training is planned to be develope