This paper describes the current effort to develop a standardized data set, or suite of digital video sequences, that can be used for a test and evaluation of digital video motion detectors (VMD's) for exterior applications. We have drawn from an extensive video database of typical application scenarioa to assemble a comprehensive sata set. These data, have been converted to a reproducible digital format and edited to generate test sequences several minutes long for many scenarios. Sequences include non-alarm videa, instrusions and nuisance alarm sources, taken with a variety of imaging sensors including monochrome CCD cameras and infrared (thermal) imaging comeras, under a variety of daytime and nightime conditions. The paper presents an analysis of the variables and stimates the complexity of a thorough data set. Some this video data test has been digitized for CD-Rom storage and playback. We are considering developing a DVD disk for possible use in screening and testing VMD's prior ro goverment testing and deployment. In addition this digital video data maybe used by VMD developers for further refinement or customization of their product to meet specific requirements . These application scenarios may also be used to define the testing parameters for future procurement qualification. A personal computer maybe used to play back either the CD-ROM or the DVD video data. A comsumer electronics style DVD player may be used to replay the DVD disk. This paper also discusses various aspects if digital video storage including formats, resolution, CD-ROM and DVD storage capacity, formats, editing and playback.