Material Protection Control and Accounting (MPC&A) upgrades are nearing completion at the Russian Federation weapons material production sites. These sites are entering into an “operations and sustainability” phase. Consequently, the focus of the US-Russian cooperation is transitioning from upgrading site security systems to building a culture of sustainable operations at each site. The primary objectives of this phase are to plan and implement infrastructure and operational elements to ensure efficient, effective, and sustainable operations of upgraded MPC&A systems and to facilitate the transition of full responsibility of the MPC&A program and its components to the Russian Federation (RF). These posters present an “operations and sustainability” framework that identifies all of the sustainable operational elements, consistent with MPC&A sustainability guidelines, and site integration requirements as applied to the sites. This approach provides for comprehensive, consistent, integrated, efficient, and effective implementation of MPC&A operational elements at sites. This framework will enable sites to develop a consistent set of responsible attitudes, behaviors, organization structures, operating and maintenance procedures that contribute towards effective, efficient, and sustainable protection of special nuclear materials (SNM) at these sites. This approach will enable (i) development of standardized nomenclature to facilitate communication of sustainable operations elements with sites, (ii) development of assessment methods to measure progress towards establishment of sustainable MPC&A program at sites, and (iii) development of transition strategy for sites.