Development of Compton Suppressed X-ray and Gamma-ray Measurement System

Se-Hwan Park - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hee Seo - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Seung Kyu Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Chaehun Lee - Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kwang Ho Cho - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
X-ray spectroscopy is useful technique to determine the isotopic composition of the spent fuel. However, large background, which appears in the low energy region due to the Compton scattering of high energy gamma-rays, makes it difficult to identify small and important peaks. In the present work, the Compton suppressed X-ray spectroscopy system was developed to reduce the Compton background. High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector was used as the main detector of the Compton suppressed X-ray spectroscopy system, and BGO (Bi4Ge3O12) detector was applied as the auxiliary detector of the X-ray spectroscopy system. The performance of the Compton suppressed X-ray spectroscopy system was evaluated with the Monte Carlo simulation. Compton suppressed X- ray spectroscopy system was installed at Post-Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF) of KAERI, and the X-ray spectrum were measured with and without the Compton suppression mode. List mode data acquisition system has been developed to reduce the background more effectively.