Development of Active Neutron NDA Techniques for Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (4) Experimental Studies for Analyzing Nuclear Materials by High-Energy Delayed Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy (HE-DGS)

M. Kureta - Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
M. Seya - Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
M. Koizumi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
J. Takamine - Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Douglas Chase Rodriguez - Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Security and Nuclear Nonproliferation, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
F. Rossi - Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Security and Nuclear Nonproliferation, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Delayed ?-ray spectroscopy (DGS) measures decay ?-rays from fission products (FP) to determine ratios of fissile nuclides present in a sample. The use of high-energy delayed ?-rays (more than 3 MeV) would reduce the interference of ?-rays from long-lived fission products (e.g., Cs-137) in a sample material. A proper evaluation of such ?-ray spectra requires integration of nuclear data, such as fission cross-sections, fission yields (FY), half-lives, decay chain patterns, and decay ?-ray intensities. The development of the DGS technique, therefore, requires experimental verification of some nuclear data of fissile materials, as well as development of the device. Experiments will be performed at JRC facilities, and the others. This paper briefly introduces the project of technological development of DGS.