Development of the Accounting Reports Control System based on the Web and RDBMS for a State Level in the Republic of Korea

In Jun - Korea National Nuclear Management and Control Agency
Soo-Jin Park - Korea National Nuclear Management and Control Agency
The 35 nuclear facilities, including nuclear power plants, which are operating in Korea and the National Nuclear Management and Control Agency (NNCA) have been continually submitting the nuclear material accounting reports to the government and the IAEA after joining the NPT. In the beginning, all the reports were controlled and managed manually. Then, all the reports were controlled and verified by a computer program based on the DOS, developed by a clipper compiler not a web browser. Because of the increasing number of accounting reports, this system became an inconvenience for controlling, accessing and verifying the correctness of the nuclear material accounting reports. The correctness of accounting reports is a very important point for verifying the nuclear activity of a member state via an inspection. Therefore, the rapid progress of the computing and internet environment demands a change of the system from a disk operating system to a web based system using the internet and a web browser. In this thesis, a nuclear material accounting reports control system at a state level based on the internet and a web browser was developed. The oracle RDBMS (Relational Data Base Management System) was adopted for the databases management.