Previous uranium hexaflouride (UF6) gas enrichment monitors have required empty pipe measurements to accurately determine the pipe attenuation, which is much larger than the attenuation in the gas. We report on a method for determining the thickness of a pipe in a Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant (GCEP) when an empty pipe measurement is not feasible. The setup consists of an x-ray tube used for active transmission measurements and a NaI(Tl) detector on the opposite side of the pipe. Two targets, molybdenum (Mo, K-edge 20.0 keV) and palladium (Pd, K- edge 24.35 keV) \"notch\" filters are used to transform the bremsstrahlung spectrum produced by the X-ray tube into a more useful spectrum with a sharp peak. This peak is determined by the K-edge of the filter. The attenuation properties of the UF6 allow us to determine wall thickness by looking at the ratio of selected regions of interest (ROIs) of the Mo and Pd transmitted spectra. This ratio will be dependant only on the pipe wall thickness once target thicknesses are optimized. This is possible because the attenuation in the gas at these two energies is very close, but varies by a factor of over 60 in the aluminum pipe walls. This paper will be devoted to in-situ calibration of enrichment monitors for varying pipe thickness.