A liquid scintillator-based neutron coincidence counting system designed to address a number of safeguards applications is under development by the IAEA in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre-ITU and Hybrid Instruments LTD. Liquid scintillators are a promising technology due to their good fast-neutron detection capabilities. The characteristic fast response of scintillators is particularly beneficial for coincidence counting applications, for which a performance level higher than that associated with moderated thermal detectors might be expected. Fast neutron detection requires no thermalization process and therefore, does not incur the resulting neutron detection delays. These features reduce the length of the coincidence gate by three orders of magnitude, reducing practically at negligible values the accidental coincidence rate which dominates the uncertainty in thermal neutron detectors. Recent progress in fast electronic digitizers offers the possibility to perform on-line, real-time pulse shape discrimination (PSD) between gamma and neutron radiation detection, making this technology suitable for nuclear safeguards and security applications. This paper will describe the experiments and Monte Carlo modelling activities engaged to design a prototype liquid scintillator-based neutron coincidence collar for fresh fuel assembly verification. The characterization of the system response required accurate calibration measurements in order to determine the operational parameters of the liquid scintillator cell, including gain, pulse shape discrimination and energy thresholds. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations which are essential for the understanding and characterization of the system’s response were also carried out using the MCNPX-PoliMi Monte Carlo code to simulate the radiation transport within the system and to optimize the detector design. The evolution from the different detector configurations we investigated to the characteristic features of the final design will be described.