The utilization of computer based networked control systems within industrial, (nuclear and chemical), facilities presents a realistic opportunity to achieve a reliable and cost effective means for impelmenting safeguards solution. The utilization of existing, operator installed, local area networks (LANs) for the transmission of safeguards data is a design goal of the Integrated Surveillance Package (ISP). Examples of utilization of fiber optic, twisted pair ethernet, RF linking, and power line based LANs are discussed in both industrial and safeguards environments. Surveillance video, NDA measurements, and facility operational data are all considered as encryptable, tamper resistant, and verifiable digital datagrams. Such datagrams can easily be transported using the existing facility LAN. The use of digitization of both video images and NDA measurements, with their associated data capacity requirements, are summarized. Utilization of the collected data in commercial off-theshelf analysis programs is demonstrated. A general algorithm for the estimation of safeguards system life cycle costs is derived. A plan for design, development, and manufacture of ISP's within the facility environment is presented.