For a certain number of unattended monitoring applications, a custom-designed Digital Signal Processor (DSP)-based Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA) has been developed under the German Support Programme to the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, with participation of the Euratom Safeguards Office ESO. The development is based on user requirements established by IAEA and ESO. The design concept was derived from existing, functioning prototypes. It will be subject to changes depending on the results of planned qualification testing. The device is intended to be used with various semiconductor and scintillation detectors. Unattended operation requires large local memories to store a large number of spectra in case remote data transmission is interrupted. In case of a mains power outage, the system must be able to operate continuously on battery power only and attain an uninterruptible, one-week measurement period. Data security during operation and data transfer is ensured by authentication methods. The device provides for remote data retrieval and in certain application cases, remote system operation using an additional local interface for secure setup. The major electronic design goals have been identified to be high spectroscopic performance in spectral resolution, low power consumption, high input count rate capability and throughput. Important features are high reliability, robustness, usability and easy service functions. Utilizing state-of-the-art DSP technology, the device has built-in watch dog functions to minimize the effect of single event upsets caused by neutron radiation. For failsafe operation the unit can be operated as a redundant dual system configuration.