Currently, most standard implementations of deadtime corrections for neutron multiplicity counting utilize empirical formulas. The corrections have had success for limited count rates, especially when appropriate deadtime parameters can be determined for a limited range of item properties. However, the corrections often break down outside the intended application range and current dead time corrections are not sufficiently robust to apply to higher order correlations beyond triplets. Sophisticated dead time corrections have been developed by Matthes and Haas (1985) and Hage and Cifarelli (1992) based on the joint probability for detecting correlated neutrons in a paralyzable detector system. Baeton et al. (1997) further modified the joint probability to include the effect of multiple detector chains. Deployable methods are being developed, applying the probability-based approach to standard multiplicity measurement data including multiplicity shift register, time interval analysis and list mode data, including expressions for higher-order correlations. Progress on implementation of the dead time correction in an analysis algorithm and testing of the correction based on simulations and actual data will be presented.