Demonstration of a Transportable Storage System for Spent Nuclear Fuel

Ken R. Miller - Sacramento Municipal Utility Distric
James R. Shetler - Sacramento Municipal Utility District
The ultimate disposal of spent nuclear fuel is a major issue that continues to plague the nuclear industry and the Department of Energy (DOE). In an effort to resolve some of the outstanding issues that DOE and the nuclear industry currently face, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) and DOE are currently developing a program to demonstrate the use of a transportable storage system to provide for the long-term storage and subsequent transport of spent nuclear fuel. In addition, the project will demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of a dry caskto- cask transfer system. Demonstrating the use of a transportable storage system supports Congress' goal of demonstrating a technology that can be used to minimize the handling of spent nuclear fuel throughout its end-of-life storage and disposal cycle. Designing a dry cask-to-cask transfer system and evaluating its technical and economic feasibility will be useful to DOE as they proceed with the design of a Monitored Retrievable Storage facility. Also, demonstrating these technologies will provide a contribution to the nuclear industry, in general, as more and more utilities begin to seriously face the question of how they will ultimately disposition their own spent nuclear fuel.