Delayed Gamma-ray Spectroscopy for Nuclear Material Analysis 2: Design of a Practical System with DD Neutron Generator

Michio Seya - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Mitsuo Koizumi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Douglas C. Rodriguez - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Fabiana Rossi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Ton Takahashi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
To safeguard nuclear material at facilities like reprocessing plants, new active-interrogation nondestructive assay techniques are needed. We are developing a new delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy (DGS) system to be used together with current verification methods, like hybrid k edge/x ray densitometry, to quantify the fissile composition in high-radioactivity nuclear material samples. DGs quantifies the composition by comparing the ratios of gamma-ray peaks with energy above 3 MeV from short-lived ?ssion products produced during irradiation of the sample by a high-rate external neutron source. Utilizing thermal neutrons allows more ?ssion events to be produced by ?ssile nuclides (U-235, Pu-239 and Pu-241) to overcome the shielding required to reduce the low energy passive background from the long-lived ?ssion products. While the dominant external sources proposed for this application are DT neutron generators, we are designing a compact system with the use of a DD neutron generator that produces neutrons with starting energies that are easier to moderate and retain. The main differences between the two systems will be presented here along with the description of the current design of our system.