The Defense Treaty Readiness Program (DTIRP) was established by the Department of Defense in 1990 to assist defense facilities in preparing for treaty verification activities, Led By the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), an element of the Department of Defense, DTIRP's membership includes representatives from other Department of Defense agencies, the Department of Energy (DOE), the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department if Commerce, and others. DTIRP has developed an extensive number number of outreach products, conducts arms control workshops, provides specialized training, conducts security assessments, and provides assistance to site personnel. DOE has a significant interest in this program, due to the number of sensitive facilities within its complex, along with the increasing frequency of arms control and nonproliferation activities at those sites. As a result, DOE has taken a very active role in DTIRP. This paper discusses how DTIRP can help DOE prepare for arms control and nonproliferation treaties and agreements.