Deep Isolation: Innovative Technology For The Storage And Disposal Of High Level Waste And Spent Nuclear Fuel

Rodney Baltzer - Deep Isolation
Deep Isolation has developed a patented technology designed for the purpose of disposing of nuclear waste in a safe, secure, and deep geologic environment. The option to dispose of waste utilizing the Deep Isolation technology reduces the time and cost of licensing and construction and minimizes transporting the nuclear waste which further reduces schedule and cost. Deep Isolation uses established directional drilling technology from the oil and gas industry to bore a vertical drill hole thousands of feet deep and then transition to a horizontal drill hole that is thousands of feet in length. We have demonstrated this technology by emplacing a specially designed mock disposal canister approximately 670 meters below ground and 150 meters into the horizontal section of the drill hole, bringing the wireline back to surface and then retrieving the mock disposal canister. The target geologic media for our disposal solution is in or below formations that have been out of contact with surface waters for hundreds of thousands to millions of years. These formations are present at various depths throughout much of the United States, and we will ensure the suitability of the geologic environment prior to considering any location. It is our intention to seek disposal at existing storage and reactor sites, in order to eliminate the need for movement to an interim facility or central repository - both of which may require long-haul transportation. Deep Isolation will only implement the repositories in locations where the community has given its consent to do so and there is agreement at the state level. We consider the importance of engaging stakeholders and interested communities as paramount and will utilize a process designed to earn the trust and confidence from them needed to succeed in our vision. Deep Isolation could complement existing options for commercial spent nuclear fuel and/or provide for a defense only repository for defense spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste. We do not plan to limit our scope to just the U.S. and are evaluating international options where Deep Isolation could provide a solution to multiple waste forms.