The main purpose of Recycle Equipment Test Facility (RETF) is to carry out hot demonstration tests on advanced equipment for the future Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) reprocessing technology. Through these tests, engineering data necessary to design and operate a subsequent pilot plant will be accumulated. Design Information Verification (DIV) is defined as an integral part of the implementation of IAEA safeguards. It is intended to integrate necessary information for constructing appropriate safeguards measures. Regarding as RETF building construction, we have been coped with IAEA and Japan Atomic Energy Bureau (JAEB) who had carried out five consecutive DIVs on the building construction phase (as of July-1998). Because of complexities of the facility, it is necessary to conduct DIV in suitable manner. Especially, it is very important to prepare and manage as much information and data as possible. In this paper we present what kind of information and items we prepare for the DIV, and how we manage the DIV data under the RETF construction phase.