Within the frameworks of International Radiological Threat Reduction Program Kurchatov Institute and U.S. DOE/NNSA cooperatively started resolving the issue of replacing RTGs with alternative power sources. In order to provide equivalent replacement for an RTG, it is necessary to have a reliable and cost effective alternative power source that is capable to operate in severe weather conditions of Arctic and Russian Far North. Like RTGs, those power sources shall require very little maintenance. Kurchatov Institute in cooperation with the Head Department of Navigation and Oceanography is currently researching the market of alternative power sources that could replace RTGs powering navigation beacon. With the purpose of obtaining a more detailed picture to illustrate the all-year-round operation of various alternative power sources, a decision was made to develop an instrument that would conduct an independent monitoring of all elements of the future system being proposed as a replacement for RTGs. Developed standalone data collection system is intended to work with power installations that use alternative power sources (solar, wind, etc.) and that are located in remote and difficult-to-access places. Data collection system hardware provides for the monitoring of modes and operational parameters of power installations in the long run. At the same time the system periodically logs the data and stores necessary information accumulated for a certain period of time. All accumulated data is written to the built-in flash memory. To further process the accumulated data, system devices would acquire that data and transfer it to either information center or test analytic station. Such a system was installed at one of the lighthouses in Kola Region, and has been operating successfully for more than half a year. The data collected there allows the operability of the alternative source and its individual components to be judged reliably. To accumulate information on performance of alternative sources, it is proposed to provide a number of other lighthouses in different Russian regions with such systems. Analysis of collected data will allow making the correct choice of sources that will be used as substitutes for RTGs.