Radiation portal monitoring of cargo vehicles often includes a configuration of four-panel monitors that record gamma and neutron counts from vehicles transporting cargo. As vehicles pass through the portal monitors, they generate a count profile over time that can be compared to the average panel background counts obtained just prior to the time the vehicle entered the area of the monitors. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has accumulated considerable data regarding such background radiation and vehicle profiles from portal installations, as well as experimental results using known sources and cargos. Several considerations have a bearing on how alarm thresholds are set in order to maintain sensitivity to radioactive sources while also controlling to a manageable level the rate of false or nuisance alarms. False alarms are statistical anomalies while nuisance alarms occur due to the presence of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) in cargo, such as, for example, kitty litter. Discussion topics include: • Background radiation suppression due to the shadow shielding from the vehicle. • The impact of the relative placement of the four panels on alarm decision criteria. • Use of plastic scintillators to separate gamma counts into energy windows. • The utility of using ratio criteria for the energy window counts rather than simply using total window counts. • Detection likelihood for these various decision criteria based on computer simulated injections of sources into vehicle profiles.