On the international scene, the interest for a (partially) closed nuclear fuel cycle is continuously increasing. As nuclear power will maintain (and in some areas further grow into) a crucial role in the energy production, the reprocessing of nuclear fuel is also (re)gaining interest. While waiting for the generation IV nuclear energy systems which are foreseen to be designed also to decrease the risk of diversion of weapons-usable materials, the reprocessing of spent fuel using PUREX or UREX processes will be in demand either to recover energy valuable products such as uranium and plutonium or to reduce the volume of highly radioactive waste. Because of their complexity and the presence of bulk quantities of sensitive nuclear material, reprocessing plants require strict and continuous safeguards activities by international bodies such as the IAEA or supranational organizations such as Euratom. In support of both these organizations, the JRC has developed a software package allowing enhanced process monitoring for nuclear materials in solutions present in reprocessing installations. This tool has been in use for several years at the French commercial reprocessing plant in La Hague and is being implemented at the THORP plant at Sellafield. It is also used for training and supporting activities in the Rokkasho facility in Japan. This paper describes the functionalities of this tool, the current developments and the potential integrations with complementary information to lead to an efficient product for near real time accountancy for safeguards purposes.