JAERI is developing the analytical techniques to improve the analytical ability for the safeguards environmental samples. Currently under-developing analytical techniques are described. For bulk analysis, study is focused on the improvement of reliability of isotope ratio measurements by ICP-MS. New chemical separation technique is been developing and a desolvation module is introduced to reduce the polyatomic interferences. In particle analysis, the sample preraration procedure for SIMS method is modified to be able to measure the 234U/238U and 236U/238U ratios for individual particles. We are developing FT-TIMS method to measure uranium isotope ratios in particles with sub-micrometer size particles. Sample preparation method is improved to avoid the loss of particles during the etching process. More efficient particle analysis method using ICP-TOFMS is assembled and the performance is examined. And screening instrument by X-ray fluorescent analysis is constructed and the method to measure element distribution on a swipe surface is also examined.