The Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (RRP) is the large scale reprocessing plant (maximum throughput: 8tPu/year or 800tU/year) [1]. Due to such a large throughput of nuclear material, comprehensive safeguards measures are adopted to achieve effective and efficient safeguards. A number of process monitoring systems and unattended verification systems have been introduced along nuclear material flow, which is begun with the spent fuel storage up to the mixed oxide (MOX) product storage. Data from the above systems are automatically transferred to the main server installed at inspection room inside RRP and inspector can check the status of nuclear material anytime. For additional assurance of operator’s declaration, the activities at other strategic points for confirmation of operational status (OSP-OS) are performed in random and short notice basis. To perform the smooth inspection activities and maintenance of safeguards equipment, close communication and provision of operational information in a timely manner between inspectorate side (the IAEA and national inspector) and operator side (Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL)) have been performed in daily basis and various arrangements by JNFL are also applied. This paper describes current efforts on inspection activities performed at RRP from the operator viewpoints with introduction and improvement point related to inspectorate equipment.