Course Material and Curriculum Development Activities of the International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN)

C. Hobbs - King’s College London
Jason T. Harris - Idaho State University
Johannes Sterba - Vienna University of Technology
The International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN) was established in 2010 during an IAEA workshop by a group of experts from academia, international organizations, and professional nuclear material management associations. The INSEN mission is to promote excellence in nuclear security education in pursuit of the identified need for highly qualified nuclear security professionals. Some of the objectives of INSEN include developing peer-reviewed textbooks, computer based teaching tools and instructional material; and developing and conducting educational workshops and professional development courses. In a period of only three years, INSEN members have completed a number of course materials and textbooks to be used in conjunction with the Master of Science Program in Nuclear Security as outlined in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 12 publication: Educational Programme in Nuclear Security. Textbooks have been completed or under review for the following courses: NS01: Introduction to nuclear security; NS03: Nuclear energy, nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear applications; NS04: Methods and instruments for nuclear and other radioactive material measurement; and NS09: Security of nuclear and other radioactive material in transport. In addition teaching material has been developed for these and other courses as well. In conjunction with the development of course material, university faculty and leadership level practitioners have been participating in a number of INSEN sponsored courses. Kings College of London has offered four professional development courses on teaching NS01. Other courses, with the support of the IAEA, European Commission, and the US Department of State, have also been offered. The purpose of this paper is to give an in-depth description of these materials and courses and present future activities related to the development of nuclear security educational programs.