Cooperation on Nuclear Materials Protection, Control, and Accounting Between the Federal Nuclear and Radiation Authority of Russia (Gosatomnadzor) and the U.S. Department of Energyl

M. Teresa Olascoaga - Sandia National Laboratories
Y. VOLODIN - Gosatomnadzor
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Gosatomnadzor (GAN) of Russia are engaged in a program of cooperation to enhance the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons by developing a strong national system of nuclear material protection, control, and accounting (MPC&A). The purpose of this system is to prevent the theft, diversion, or unauthorized use of nuclear materials. DOE and GAN signed an agreement to this effect in June 1995. DOE and GAN have since agreed to cooperate in several important areas including: l developing regulatory documents; l designing a federal material control and accounting (MC&A) information system l providing MPC&A equipment for GAN inspectors and assistance in developing Russian equipment; l designing an MPC&A oversight information system for GAN l training inspectors and operators; and l upgrading MPC&A at six non-Minatom facilities that operate with highly enriched uranium. In order to assist GAN in its ongoing efforts to enhance its national system of nuclear MPC&A, DOE provides GAN with technical assistance in the form of equipment, supplies, training, and other services. This paper will describe the program of cooperation between DOE and GAN to further the national security interests of both the United States and Russia. Specifically, it will focus on those mutually beneficial, technically oriented projects that are encompassed in the program. This cooperative effort represents a vital aspect of DOE’s Goverument-to-Govemment program to support Russia’s nonproliferation efforts.