Learning should not be a one-time experience. Learning should be continuous to allow for retention, recall and application. To ensure that learning is a continuous process, learners must be engaged and evaluated. As a result, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has created an avenue to ensure that learners in partner countries are engaged in the learning process before and after the classroom course. In addition, culture considerations are imbedded in the learning design to ensure maximum learning. This avenue is driven by the global Agile eXpert Instructional System (gAXIS) Learning Management System (LMS). This LMS has over 100 language packs available for download and implementation. This allows learners in partner countries to update their user interface to their preferred language. The system is also accessible 24/7. The team developed an approach that includes e-Learning, classroom courses and discussion board activities all-accessible in the gAXIS system. In this learning path, learners complete the eLearning module at their own pace and when it is convenient for them. This eLearning package also creates a baseline of understanding so that learners going into the classroom course all have the same level of knowledge; thus, allowing for an increase in intensity of knowledge in the face-to-face sessions. After completing the eLearning and classroom courses, learners are not abandoned. They are provided a learning phase that allows two way communications between them and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) so that questions can be addressed and information provided. To ensure that questions are addressed quickly, SMEs are sent emails when a question is submitted. Progress can be monitored for individuals, groups or partner countries. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, learners are not delayed when there is turnover in their organization and need to begin the learning process since they will have immediate access to e-Learning. An additional benefit to the gAXIS system is that once a country reaches sustainability, the gAXIS system can be quickly configured on the partner country’s network and content transferred to their network.