The Global Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention (GIPP) Program is a nonproliferation program within the National Nuclear Security Administration of the United States Department of Energy (DOE/NNSA). GIPP’s mission is to prevent the migration of WMD scientific expertise on a global basis to keep terrorists and/or states of concern from exploiting this expertise to acquire WMD capabilities. This is accomplished through two program components: • IPP: Scientist engagement and redirection through commercialization projects with industry partnerships, and • NCI: Infrastructure and workforce transition through business development and training. The Snezhinsk Pipe Coating Facility (PCF) is a GIPP/Nuclear Cities Initiative (NCI) project based on a partnership between Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Snezhinsk Energy Saving Technologies (SEST) Company. This project started with development of a Business Plan including market research and technical analysis. Following a review and approval of the Business Plan by the NCI Program, activities for designing of the facility have been initiated in 2002 with support of Snezhinsk city entities. The construction and equipment installation activities have been accomplished. The equipment was purchased. The final installation activities for the production equipment are scheduled for the winter of 2004-2005. Commissioning and start of full-scope operation of the plant is planned for Summer-Fall of 2005.