A Consideration on Proliferation Resistance of a FBR Fuel Cycle System

Mitsutoshi Suzuki - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Masao SENZAKI - Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Technology Center,
Naoko INOUE - Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Technology Center
Development of the next generation nuclear energy system has been promoted with the motivation for national energy security strategy and/or global environmental issues. Especially, FBR cycle concept has been selected as a promising option for the purpose of the efficient utilization of uranium resources. The innovative technologies and the concern of nuclear proliferation call the needs of the development of advanced safeguards and material accountancy technologies and of the proliferation resistance evaluation methodology that can evaluate as a whole system. In this context, the integrated studies are essential between the system designers and proliferation resistance experts including safeguards. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has started this study for Japanese future nuclear energy system. This is not concluded, however, this joint step-by-step activity provided many benefits and variable findings. This paper describes this activity and its status, and an example of their discussions.