Concept of Ensuring Information Security in Automated MPC&A Systems Based on the Common Criteria Methodology

A.S. Piskarev - Atomzashitainfrom Center, Minatom of Russia
Anatoly Shein - ATOMINFORM
Vladimir Lykov - ATOMINFORM
David M. DeVaney - PNNL
The issue of ensuring information security in automated MPC&A systems was touched upon in a number of presentations made at previous INMM conferences. This paper is based on the results of joint activities of the US and Russian information security specialists within the framework of the MPC&A Program. This group of specialists is extending the previously reported results so that they apply to physical protection systems and material control and accounting systems, in other words, MPC&A systems. This paper describes recent efforts directed at developing a concept for the application of a new approach to formulating IT security requirements for MPC&A systems and practical approaches to implementing and evaluating systems implementing these requirements.