Computer/Information Security Design Approaches for Complex 21/Reconfiguration Facilities

Neil R. Zack - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Calvin D. Jaeger - Sandia National Laboratories
William J. Hunteman - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories have been designated the technical lead laboratories to develop the design of the computer/ information security, safeguards, and physical security systems for all of the DOE Complex 21/ Reconfiguration facilities. All of the automated information processing systems and networks in these facilities will be required to implement the new DOE orders on computer and information security. The planned approach for a highly integrated information processing capability in each of the facilities will require careful consideration of the requirements in DOE Orders 5639.6 and 1360.2A. The various information protection requirements and user clearances within the facilities will also have a significant effect on the design of the systems and networks. Fulfilling the requirements for proper protection of the information and compliance with DOE orders will be possible because the computer and information security concerns are being incorporated in the early design activities. This paper will discuss the computer and information security issues being addressed in the integrated design effort for the tritium, uranium/lithium, plutonium, plutonium storage, and high explosive/assembly facilities.