Comprehensive Analysis of Safeguards Strategies (COMPASS)

James Poorbaugh - B&W Y-12
The Comprehensive Analysis of Safeguards Strategies (COMPASS) process ensures the effectiveness of the MC&A program by analyzing the health of program key elements. On a semiannual frequency, data from internal/external assessments, internal/external performance tests, site office evaluations, metrics, Quick Cards (an immediate program review reporting vehicle), anomalies, and other sources are reviewed and evaluated against pre-established management expectations. These expectations are formally established and are maintained as a dynamically improving baseline. By formally evaluating the program implementation against the expectation, then ranking the performance based on the outcome (High/Medium/Low), resources can be focused on the weak areas to promote continuous improvement. For each attribute that is not ranked as “High”, improvement plans are established. The process is also utilized as a forecasting tool, to assure that all elements are assessed on a set frequency.