Commercial SNF Waste Form Disposal Studies

Joe B. Stringer - Duke Engineering and Services
John M. McConaghy - Duke Engineering and Services
Jesse J. Burnette - Duke Engineering and Services
Jennifer D. Hadley - Duke Engineering and Services
The objective of the Commercial SNF Waste Form Disposal Studies is to identify potential methods of simplifying waste handling systems and operations at the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR), to quantify the impact of system design drivers, and evaluate the cost. Methods investigated include implementation of a system in which Dual Purpose Canisters (DPCs) are eliminated Transportable Disposal Canisters (TDCs) are utilized, and transportation casks are standardized. The CRWMS Analysis and Logistics Visually Interactive (CALVIN) model was utilized to generate system logistics data for each of the cases evaluated. Estimates of yearly commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF) transportation cask arrivals, SNF assembly arrivals, and commercial SNF waste packages loaded at the MGR were generated. Estimates of DOE SNF and HLW transportation cask and canister arrivals and Department of Energy (DOE) SNF and high level waste (HLW) waste packages loaded at the MGR were also generated.