Characterization of Silicon Detectors for a Miniaturized and Integrated Package

K. D. Ianakiev - Los Alamos National Laboratory
P. Staples - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J.P. Lestone - Los Alamos National Laboratory
H. Nguyen - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Pil-Neyo Seo - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Low-cost, small, and rugged silicon-based sensors that are capable of observing both neutrons and gamma rays have been developed for the monitoring of nuclear material in high radiation fields. To achieve this planar silicon detectors are combined with 6LiF and low-power electronics. Gamma rays are observed through Compton scattering and photoelectric absorption in the silicon detector. Neutrons interact through the 6Li(n,a)t reaction and the resulting 2.7-MeV triton and 2.1-MeV alpha particles are then detected in the silicon. Others have developed similar sensors, but we have focused on making sensors as inexpensive yet reliable as possible.