Certifying the Super Tiger for a DOE Closure Mission

James M. Shuler - U. S. Department of Energy
Daniel Leduc - Savannah River National Laboratory Packaging Technology
Tse-tsu Wu - Savannah River National Laboratory Packaging Technology
Robert W. Watkins - Savannah River National Laboratory Packaging Technology
Jeffery England - Savannah River National Laboratory Packaging Technology
Cecil May - Savannah River National Laboratory Packaging Technology
This paper presents the review process, performed by the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) Staff comprising the Packaging Certification Program (PCP) review team, on the Addendum to the SARP for the Super Tiger Shipping Package.1 The Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Environmental Management (EM), is pursuing the disposition of 40 containers of Unirradiated Light Water Breeder Reactor (ULWBR) material. The ULWBR containers are stored within 20 dry wells of the Underground Fuel Storage Facility (UGFSF) at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC). INTEC, formerly the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, is located at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The ULWBR material is incompatible with INTEC chemical separation processes, so it has been at INTEC in long-term storage for many years. The proposed disposition for the ULWBR material is burial as low-level waste (LLW) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). The ULWBR material consists of unirradiated rods and miscellaneous unirradiated scrap pellets. Approximately 15,000 rods (and the miscellaneous scrap) are stored within 40 rod storage containers. The 40 rod storage containers, each weighing between 1400 to 2000 pounds, were originally transported to INTEC in a Super Tiger cask. The ULWBR material primarily consists of thorium and small quantities of uranium, mostly U-233. The bulk of the material exists as unirradiated rods constructed of ceramic oxide pellets within Zircaloy or stainless steel cladding. The shipping campaign has been shipping one to four rod storage containers at a time in the sole existing Super Tiger cask to the NTS for disposal. The new Certificate of Compliance (C of C) for the Super Tiger cask (Revision 5)was issued in December of 2007 and expires October 1, 20082. The cask will be loaded with the last shipment of ULWBR material in four rod storage containers and disposed at the NTS. This final shipment is expected to be complete by late summer 2008.